Videos and Interviews with Mark Lipp on the subject of Family issues surrounding addiction and his book “An Addict Within”.
Mark’s videos discuss a wide range of topics dealing with the family issues surrounding addiction.
- The mistakes he made and what he learned from them.
- Understanding why as family member of an addict, we feel the way we do and act the way we do and deal with situations both right and wrong.
- The unseen damage the addict does to our families and us.
- The ramifications of our actions to ourselves, our family and the addict.
- How an addict thinks and behaves and what motivates them.
- He also will share techniques and how to apply them to help you and your family deal with these issues.
We hope that you find solace and knowledge on these videos and that you will learn something from these videos that you can apply to yourselves, your family and your lfe to help you and your family in this journey
All interviews with Mark will be posted on this page:
Mark Lipp with Dr Frieda Birnbaum Live Out Loud Radio Show
Mark Lipp on the Addiction Show
Mark Lipp YouTube Channel